Sunday, March 21, 2010

Positive Thoughts for Spring

"It takes just as much energy to believe in the best outcome as to expect the worst."

-Shannon Cutts

Its finally Spring! The weather Friday and yesterday were pure bliss! I can't help but feel as though Spring brings everyone a fresh start, a new brightness to life after a long cold winter. I love Spring and all the things that come with it...Easter dresses, Spring Breaks, daffodils popping up in unexpected places, and riding in the car with the windows down.

This quote from Shannon Cutts, author of Beating Ana, reminds me how easy it is to believe the worst in every situation.

Failure = not getting back up.

Success = getting back up. takes just as much energy to believe in the best outcome as to expect the worst.

As in, today is a new day. Check. Recovery is not optional. Check. Success = getting back up. Check. Others have recovered and I can recover too. Check.

Shannon says that we are the "hero in our own lives and we WILL save the day; and our own life!"


  1. I love SPRING!! Makes me smile!!!

  2. hi cutie!! this was SUCH an inspirational post, thank you so much! i don't think i've ever read "Recovery is not optional." in print's a powerful statement and i really like it. would you recommend the book? do you have any other books you'd recommend? you can email me if you don't feel comfortable commenting back!!
