Friday, March 12, 2010

In need of a new Do!

For all of my designer friends I need blog needs help that is! I was looking at it today and was really excited to see that I have 48 followers! Ok...I know compared to most of you bloggers, that number is quite sad, but for me, being fairly new in the blog world, I couldn't be more thrilled!
I feel I am obligated to re-vamp my blog...but HeLp! I would say that I am 99% of the time technically savvy, but this blog throws me for a whirl! I do not know how to have "stuff" on both the left and right.
So to all you beautiful bloggers, help Lola and me create eye candy on our little blog!
Cheers to a great weekend...mine will be full of studying studying studying with a bit of working at PINK on the side! I leave you with a piece of eye candy from my favorite artist, Sally.


  1. Wish I had seen Martha's cupcake show! I'll have to see if it's on youtube :)

  2. your blog is so cute! i found you through the "two hands full of daisies" blog. i read your profile and thought i'd visit. we are all trying to "get it together" so no worries!

